Intuition, Guidance & Hugs
We could all use some comfort right now. I will share what I have intuited over the past couple of weeks leading up to the events that...

April 2019 Zodiac
Welcome April! It seems as though the year is speeding along. After Mercury retrograde that had us pause in March, coming into April many...

February 2019 Zodiac
Welcome 2019 and forward momentum! Sorry I missed you all in January. With a busy schedule a cold and finally losing my voice for 2 weeks...

December 2018 Zodiac
It's December, and what a year 2018 has been! Find out what your signs main lesson was for 2018 and how to transition your energy into...

New Courses
New online courses are now available! Some of the most common questions I encounter about empathy. You can buy and download the video or...

November 2018 Zodiac
It's November already! The year is flying by and you'll want to know what is coming up for you this month. Venus is finally going direct...

October 2018 Zodiac
October is here and bringing with it Venus retrograde from October 5th to November 15th. Are you ready for it? This retrograde is having...

September 2018 Zodiac
The September Angel reports are here!!! The energies of last months eclipse season has trickled over and we are seeing the evolving story...

August 2018 Zodiac
By popular demand, the August Angel reports are back!!! With a special focus on the 3rd and final eclipse in as little as 30 days we are...

Getting Centered
Logic, intuition and emotional stability are the powerhouses of being centered. When you moderate your reactions and slow down enough to...