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Empower Your Life!

Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day!!! Know that you are beautiful, strong and appreciated. The world needs your authentic self to shine through now more than ever. Also a shout out of appreciation to everyone (men, women or children) who support the women in their lives, sending you all a BIG Thank You. Your appreciation and support is greatly cherished by us all :)

This week know that everything is working out just fine, however you may not feel it. When the world gives us what we want, yet we still get that uncertain feeling, that's because it's not an external or worldly issue but rather a personal and internal issue. This would look like feeling anxious and you are certain its because of your finances. Suddenly you may receive a windfall of money but you still feel anxious. The money did not make your uncomfortable feeling go away. In many cases this happens especially with relationships where we expect our feelings of loneliness and anxiety to leave once we find "the one". Next thing you know you've attracted the perfect relationship, yet you can't help but notice you still feel lonely. If this sounds like you and you are sensitive to energies then you are likely also attracting a lot of spirit. Sometimes spirit will come to comfort us during these times, however if you are unfamiliar with energy boundaries they can also send your nervous system into overdrive (i.e. anxiety). Which then makes figuring out why your emotions are all over the place even more difficult.

When this happens its time for a real internal reflection to find out what you really need. This kind of transformation is more than something I can share in a single post and requires a personal commitment from yourself to adhere to a plan to help you grow. You may already possess the skills or tools needed to undergo this transformation, or just like the Angel message this week there are times when seeking outside help is best. This might be a book, online program or working with a spiritual coach much like myself. Have confidence and listen to your intuition for guidance on what is best for you.

For those of you who missed these details last week, there is only one week left to enter my first ever Facebook contest for a chance to win a FREE Angel Reading with myself! For full details on how to enter visit my Facebook page and visit my contest post from March 1st, 2018 at 12pm and follow the details there.

Wishing you all a blessed and happy week!

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